Nordmarken - Into the Wild

Kölviken - Into the Wild
B. Canoe Tour Kölviken 7 days/ca.65 km.
Along the pristine wilderness area, surrounding the lakes Stora Le and Foxen, this tour is planned without any transportation or portages. You camp out in the wild or on the pre-arranged campsites after you have made your contribution for a Nature Conservation Card. The Campsites are spread throughout the whole Dalsland and Nordmarken area.
1. Day: Welcome. Briefing.
2. Day: Direction South to Kölviken.
3. Day: On the West side of Stora Le, direction Norway (Nature Reserve).
4. Day: Direction North to Foxen lake.
5. Day: Foxen lake, with a visit at car relics in Båstnäs.
6. Day: East Side of Foxen and Lennartsfors.
7. Day: Return to Camp Grunnerud.
01.05. - 30.09. 2025.
The tour start daily, see calendar.
Price per person and week 245 € for the use of equipment by 2 persons.
Single booking € 345.
A foodbox can be booked and the price is 220 € including provisions for 2 persons/7 days. No discount.
All round trips can be booked daily
Briefing. Canoe, Paddles, Life Jackets, Tent, Packing Containers, Tarp, Kitchen, 1 L burning Spirit, Water Canister, Map. Camping at Camp on arrival and departure (if desired). Parking.